The Safest Most Advanced Playground Surface in the Market


This is what kids were
meant to play on!


A superior play surface freeing
kids to be kids


Outperforms turf, mulch, and rubber
pour-in-place in every way


Playground Grass is the evolution and the newest protective surfacing for playgrounds in the market.

We have a recommended ASTM and IPEMA certifications, but we also go above and beyond industry standards. Our systems voluntarily exceed Head Injury Criterion (HIC) recommendations, and offer the best fall safety ratings in the industry.

Playground Grass achieves consistently high safety ratings over time even after heavy use.

If you want to know more about “playground grass” or get a quotation for your project, please book an appointment in the link below. We will be happy to help you

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What is playgroundgrass?

Our Play Advantage

Playground Grass™ offers a superior playground surface that outperforms in every way.

If you are looking for the best value in a playground surface that will last longer, need less maintenance, and improve play, the choice is easy. No other surface compares to Playground Grass


The safest playground surface in the planet


We’re the originators of PlayMounds, and we’re changing the way kids play.

What are PlayMounds™? They are a line of prefabricated foam mounds that add contour and creativity to the playground landscape. With a protective layer of construction-grade expanded polypropylene (EPP), PlayMounds provide durable, long-lasting surface innovations. This revolutionary design and fabrication method is patent pending, and available only from ForeverLawn®.


Playgrounds don’t need to be flat. Change the landscape of kids’ play with PlayMounds.

Invite kids into innovative new worlds of play with Funscapes

Playground Grass™ synthetic turf is more than just a surfacing material, it’s a comprehensive solution for playgrounds. Funscapes™ are exactly that—complete playground solutions that combine PlayMounds™, Funserts™, and different types of turf to create fun, creative, and engaging play areas.

We’re uncovering new possibilities for playgrounds.

Playground Grass Ultra Colors
Did you know that vibrant, colorful playground surfaces are proven to attract a child’s attention and enhance their play experience? The seven Playground Grass Ultra colors available are specifically tailored to kid’s favorite colors.

Enhance free play with Funserts™!

When you’re planning a new playground design, start with the surface and build ideas from there. Because everyone interacts with the play surface, it’s the most important element to consider on a playground. You can pack yours full of the best equipment, but if kids can’t comfortably sit, roll, tumble, traverse, and even fall (safely) on the surface, it will limit their ability to play freely.

We’ve designed our synthetic grass and various design elements to all work together to create playgrounds that kids don’t forget—and want to return to again and again. Our colorful Funserts (synthetic grass designs like hopscotch, tic-tac-toe, alphabet paths and more) can be inserted into the playground surface to create interactive educational play elements.

We’re uncovering new possibilities for playgrounds.

With designs right on the play surface, kids can interact with Funserts just as they do with play equipment. Get their feet and their minds moving with built-in games and guided pathways.

Bright, vibrant colors and fun designs encourage kids’ creativity and innovation. With Funserts, it’s no longer just a playground, it’s an adventure waiting to happen!

Funserts elevate any playground design and allow you to keep up with the latest design trends. Instead of just another “standard” playground, make yours stand out!

Explore designs that dazzle.

Aquatic Funsert Designs

Interactive & Educational Funserts

See Funserts in action.

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